Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rabbit Diary V

First of all, I have to apologize on the fact that I didn't get a chance to take a new photo on rabbits, since it has been drawing near winter, raining and been cold for the last few days that rabbits didn't come as often as in the summer. So I had to use a scenic picture that I took when I was out walking around and enjoying beauty around me.

Ok, here comes the main topic of the day. As I have written in my previous blog saying that Regular and Boldie might have moved on, right? Well, to my very pleasant surprise, Regular came back this week! I guess the reasons why I didn't get the chance to see Regular were probably because Boldie must have chased Regular away so often that it was afraid to come back, unless Boldie isn't there. Or, I just simply missed them by pure chance and coincidence; they came to our backyard but I was out, I'm back home but they didn't come... such a thing.

Anyway, Regular saw me with fresh apple slices that I prepared for it, it practically "ran-hopped" towards me and took the apple slices from my had and munched and chewed loudly on the apple slices. I guess that rabbits are indeed quite smart and have a good memory on things and people as well. I was and still am glad to see Regular is still alive.

You know, Regular actually took a special place in my heart, mainly because it's the first wild rabbit that I have ever encountered and also the first wild animal who trusted me so much to the extant that it approached me and actually took food from my hand. Of course, then came Boldie, which I also worked hard to earn its trust, also took me by surprise and also being reminded on the fact that even animals have their own personality.

PS. I still haven't seen Boldie for a while, I hope it is still around the neighborhood.

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