Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Announcement

Dear Loyal Readers,

First of all (and as always), thank you so very much on reading this animal blog for so long (can't you believe that it has been a bit over a year since I first started?!).

And secondly, I will be taking a long break on writing on my blog for working on my possible book, but you are still more than welcome to leave messages, comments or even requests on the subject, either on Facebook or in the comment box provided by the blog, I will be delighted on answering you ASAP.

Once again, thanks for taking the time each week to reading the fun animal fact and God bless!


PS. For leaving message on Facebook, please do leave them at the account of

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rabbit Diary VIII

Wow! I can't believe that it has been more than 6 months since my last Rabbit Diary! Time really flies fast! Well, you can't blame me much in a way, since the rabbit who comes to our yard doesn't really come as often as before, due to winter and also the fact that I was away for a while in Taiwan for Chinese New Year, Mexico for business trip with Johnny (My husband) and in San Francisco for visiting my aunt there. But the good news is that Regular (The one that I spend a lot of time with last summer, in order to gain its trust.), still remembers me. It still runs over whenever it sees me, tilt his head to observe me a bit and then stiff my hand after it took the banana from my hand. I guess we are now friends, even though I still haven't gotten the chance and enough trust between it and I for it letting me pet it.

This picture was taken from our front yard, where Regular was taking its afternoon nap in its favorite spot.

By the way, I think I'm feeding it quite well to the fact that I think Regular is getting fat!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

They aren't joking matter: The Clown fish

First of all, yay! It's June! That means summer's here! So happy summer, everyone!

Now let's talk about something quite "wet" for a change, 'cause we are talking about fish this week, not just some ordinary fish, but a clown fish! I really do wonder why they are called the clown fish and are they really as funny as their name? Anyway, this picture was taken in the aquarium a little while ago, and whenever I see those clown fish, I always thought of Disney's Pixar movie, Finding Nemo. It's really a lovely movie that's suitable for everyone and I recommend it quite highly.

Clown fish, or professionally called the Clown Anemonefish (Hey! I just noticed the professional name of clown fish has Nemo in it! 'Cause you see, A-"Nemo"-nefish! No wonder the film makers named the movie Finding Nemo, we have to find Nemo in Anemonefish! That's funny!), has bright orange with three distinctive white bars, clown anemonefish are among the most recognizable of all reef-dwellers. They reach about 4.3 inches (11 centimeters) in length, and are named for the multicolored sea anemone in which they make their homes.

Clownfish perform an elaborate dance with an anemone before taking up residence, gently touching its tentacles with different parts of their bodies until they are acclimated to their host. A layer of mucus on the clownfish's skin makes it immune to the fish-eating anemone's lethal sting. In exchange for safety from predators and food scraps, the clownfish drives off intruders and preens its host, removing parasites.

There are 28 known species of anemonefish, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific. They are not found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or Atlantic Ocean.

Surprisingly, all clownfish are born male. They have the ability to switch their sex, but will do so only to become the dominant female of a group. The change is irreversible.